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- Danish Artists

Danish Artists har til formål at forbinde danske kunstnere med kunstinteresserede.

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Marius Budu

Marius Budu is a visual artist working with photography and the human figure. He is currently based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

His stunning way of expressing the essence of the human condition has captured tens of thousands of art lovers worldwide. This has ensured him exhibitions at galleries and museums in countries like The United States, Canada, France, China, Romania, Sweden and Denmark.

Marius Budu’s photographs are strong and focused, with few details supporting the clear impression of one thought or emotion. Through his unique use of light and shading, the pieces create structure and emphasize the sparse, yet vivid colors. The photographs are driven by his fascination with the human body as a raw material for art: sculptured, twisted and focused on the minute details, revealing its inherent individuality. The photography plays with the viewer’s expectations of composition and motif – often portraying only ambiguous parts of the body, letting the viewer wonder or simply absorb.

Marius Budu delineates the human experience as a whole – uniting the photography’s embodied honesty with visual echoes of a mind’s streaming notions.