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- Danish Artists

Danish Artists har til formål at forbinde danske kunstnere med kunstinteresserede.

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Natalia Rose

International awards winning artist Natalia Rose challenges the conventional separation between the realm of memory, and the real of experience. Exploring dimensionality through layers of color, her compositions radiate power and command attention as her paintings navigate themes of identity, exoticism and culture and the idea of the stranger.

My paintings do not depict things which I actually observe, but rather what I recall from the past, and more accurately, what I wish to see.

Drawing from historical and cultural imagery, Ms. Rose weaves a map of identity that intermingle Eastern and Western ideals of beauty, as well as mythologies. Ms. Rose's primary interest is in pictorial phenomena: the illusion of a three-dimensional space, composition, and the optical effects of color. Believing that color stimulates a conversation between tone and texture, between motion and shape, Ms. Rose's rainbow-hued palette dances on the canvas as she transcribes life's events through hue, shape and motion. Passionate color and vibrant texture are parlayed into chimeric, non-figurative compositions which metamorphose into a visual dialogue of dazzling color and line. Brilliant and emotive, Ms. Rose translates onto canvas with a syncopated beat the magnificence of our world.

International anerkendt kunstner Natalia Rose maler sine dynamiske, moderne og farverige malerier til at sætte ”ord” på følelser og tanker. Intense, koloristiske billeder, hvor enkle linjer og farvekombinationer afdækker et semiotisk indhold med en bred skala af historiske kunstreferencer. Mine billeder er ikke det, jeg rent faktisk ser, men det jeg husker og har lyst til at se... Flere billeder kan bag de voldsomme og energiske farvelag virke ufærdige. Undertrykkelsen af detaljer er et bevidst valg. Det giver billederne en dimension, hvor beskueren er med til at skabe fortolkning og betydning.